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$phone = \App\Models\Setting::where('slug','phone')->get('value')->first()->value ?? '';
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$address = \App\Models\Setting::where('slug','address')->get('value')->first()->value ?? '';
$twitter = \App\Models\Setting::where('slug','twitter')->get('value')->first()->value ?? '';
$facebook = \App\Models\Setting::where('slug','facebook')->get('value')->first()->value ?? '';
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$linkedin = \App\Models\Setting::where('slug','linkedin')->get('value')->first()->value ?? '';
$logo = \App\Models\Setting::where('slug','logo')->get('value')->first()->value ?? '';
$white_logo = \App\Models\Setting::where('slug','white-logo')->get('value')->first()->value ?? '';
$services = \App\Models\Service::where('status',1)->get();
$visas = \App\Models\VisaService::where('status',1)->get();
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< section id = "topbar" class = "d-flex justify-content-center justify-content-md-between align-items-center" >
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@if($email != '')
< div class = "contact-info-icons" >
< img src = "{{url('frontend/icons/email.png')}}" class = "img-fluid" / >
< span > < a href = "mailto:{{$email}}" class = "text-decoration-none" > {{$email}}< / a > < / span > < / i >
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@if($phone != '')
< div class = "contact-info-icons" >
< img src = "{{url('frontend/icons/phone.png')}}" class = "img-fluid" / >
< span > < a href = "tel:{{$phone}}" class = "text-decoration-none" > {{$phone}}< / a > < / span > < / i >
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< a href = "{{$facebook}}" target = "_blank" class = "facebook" > < i class = "fa-brands fa-facebook" > < / i > < / a >
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< a href = "{{$instagram}}" target = "_blank" class = "instagram" > < i class = "fa-brands fa-instagram" > < / i > < / a >
@if($linkedin != '')
< a href = "{{$linkedin}}" target = "_blank" class = "linkdin" > < i class = "fa-brands fa-linkedin" > < / i > < / a >
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< a class = "navbar-brand-img" href = "/" >
< img src = "{{url($logo)}}" class = "img-fluid" alt = "" >
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< li class = "nav-item" >
< a class = "nav-link" href = "{{url('about')}}" > ABOUT US< / a >
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< ul class = "dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby = "navbarDropdown" >
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@foreach($services as $service)
< a class = "dropdown-item" href = "{{url('education/'.$service->slug)}}" > {{$service->name}}< / a >
< / li >
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< li class = "nav-item dropdown" >
< a class = "nav-link dropdown-toggle" href = "{{url('#')}}" id = "navbarDropdown" role = "button" data-bs-hover = "dropdown" aria-expanded = "false" >
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< ul class = "dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby = "navbarDropdown" >
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@foreach($visas as $visa)
< a class = "dropdown-item" href = "{{url('visa/'.$visa->slug)}}" > {{$visa->name}}< / a >
< / li >
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< a class = "nav-link" href = "{{url('/blogs')}}" > BLOG< / a >
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< a href = '/' >
< img src = "{{url($white_logo)}}" alt = 'footer-Logo' class = 'footer-logo' / >
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< h4 class = 'text-white mb-5 footer-description' > ET Education and Visa Services, presented by Extratech, is an adept provider of excellent education consultation, information, and visa guidance solution to students seeking schooling abroad.< / h4 >
< div class = "footer-contact" >
@if($phone != '')
< div class = "contact-information" >
< div class = "contact-img" >
< img src = "{{url('frontend/icons/footer-phone.svg')}}" alt = "" / >
< / div >
< a href = "{{$phone}}" class = "text-decoration-none" >
< p > {{$phone}}< / p >
< / a >
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@if($email != '')
< div class = "contact-information" >
< div class = "contact-img" >
< img src = "{{url('frontend/icons/footer-email.svg')}}" alt = "" / >
< / div >
< a href = "mailto:admin@eteducation.com.au" class = "text-decoration-none" >
< p > admin@eteducation.com.au< / p >
< / a >
< / div >
@if($address != '')
< div class = "contact-information" >
< div class = "contact-img" >
< img src = "{{url('frontend/icons/footer-location.svg')}}" alt = "" / >
< / div >
< a href = "https://goo.gl/maps/C6EZecGvwzf75Zpw5" target = "_blank" class = "text-decoration-none" >
< p > Sydney Suite 132 & 133, Level 3, 10
Park Road, Hurstville NSW 2220< / p >
< / a >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "col-lg-3 col-md-6 mb-4 footer-links" >
< h1 class = "mb-20 text-white link-title" > Education Services< / h1 >
< p class = 'box' > < / p >
< div class = "lists-links" >
< ul class = "list-unstyled" >
< li >
@foreach($services as $service)
< a href = "{{url('education/'.$service->slug)}}" target = "_blank" rel = 'noreferrer' class = ' footer-link' >
< / a >
< / li >
< / ul >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "col-lg-3 col-md-6 mb-4 footer-links" >
< h1 class = "mb-20 text-white link-title" > Visa Services< / h1 >
< p class = 'box' > < / p >
< div class = "lists-links" >
< ul class = "list-unstyled" >
< li >
@foreach(App\Models\VisaService::where('status',1)->get() as $visa_service)
< a href = "{{url('/visa/'.$visa_service->slug)}}" target = "_blank" rel = 'noreferrer' class = ' footer-link' >
< / a >
< / li >
< / ul >
< / div >
< / div >
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< div class = 'final-content' >
< div class = 'company-content' >
< h1 class = "mb-20 text-white link-title" > Free Newsletter< / h1 >
< p > Subscribe for our free newsletter< / p >
< div class = "custom-search" >
< input type = "text" name = "email" id = "subscribe_email" class = "custom-search-input" placeholder = "Email address" required >
< button class = "custom-search-botton" onclick = "subscribe()" > Subscribe< / button >
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< p id = "success-message" > < / p >
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< h1 class = 'text-white link-title' > Join Our Social Community< / h1 >
< p class = 'box' > < / p >
< div class = "socials-icons" >
@if($twitter != '')
< a href = "{{$twitter}}" target = "_blank" class = "text-white" rel = "noreferrer" >
< i class = "fa-brands fa-twitter fa-xl" > < / i >
< / a >
@if($facebook != '')
< a href = "{{$facebook}}" target = "_blank" class = "text-white" rel = "noreferrer" >
< i class = "fa-brands fa-facebook fa-xl" > < / i >
< / a >
@if($instagram != '')
< a href = "{{$instagram}}" target = "_blank" class = "text-white" rel = "noreferrer" >
< i class = "fa-brands fa-instagram fa-xl" > < / i >
< / a >
@if($linkedin != '')
< a href = "{{$linkedin}}" target = "_blank" class = "text-white" rel = "noreferrer" >
< i class = "fa-brands fa-linkedin fa-xl" > < / i >
< / a >
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< div class = 'row footer-text' >
< p class = 'col-md-4' > ET Education and Visa Services © 2021. All Rights Reserved. < / p >
< p class = 'col-md-4 policy' > < a > Disclaimer< / a > | < a > Privacy Policy< / a > | < a > Feedback and Complaints< / a > < / p >
< p class = 'col-md-4' > Designed & Developed By: < a target = "-blank" rel = "noreferrer" href = "https://www.extratechs.com.au/" > Extratech< / a > < / p >
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