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FullCalendar.globalLocales.push(function () {
'use strict';
var sv = {
code: 'sv',
week: {
dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
doy: 4, // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
buttonText: {
prev: 'Förra',
next: 'Nästa',
today: 'Idag',
month: 'Månad',
week: 'Vecka',
day: 'Dag',
list: 'Program',
buttonHints: {
prev(buttonText) {
return `Föregående ${buttonText.toLocaleLowerCase()}`
next(buttonText) {
return `Nästa ${buttonText.toLocaleLowerCase()}`
today(buttonText) {
return (buttonText === 'Program' ? 'Detta' : 'Denna') + ' ' + buttonText.toLocaleLowerCase()
viewHint: '$0 vy',
navLinkHint: 'Gå till $0',
moreLinkHint(eventCnt) {
return `Visa ytterligare ${eventCnt} händelse${eventCnt === 1 ? '' : 'r'}`
weekText: 'v.',
weekTextLong: 'Vecka',
allDayText: 'Heldag',
moreLinkText: 'till',
noEventsText: 'Inga händelser att visa',
closeHint: 'Stäng',
timeHint: 'Klockan',
eventHint: 'Händelse',
return sv;